How to Create and Connect a Telegram Bot for Notifications

Table of Contents

In this post, we will look at how to set up notifications for your bots. We will cover how to create a Telegram channel (or multiple channels) and how to flexibly configure notifications to receive messages from the bot. The bot can send various notifications, such as:

  • Bot startup notifications
  • Filter notifications (which coin was banned and why)
  • Order placement notifications
  • Order execution notifications
  • Trade results
  • Error messages

Different categories of messages can be sent to different channels. For example, I have three Telegram bots:

Creating a Telegram Bot

In Telegram, search for the bot @BotFather. This is the official Telegram bot for creating various services, including bots. In the menu, select /newbot. Choose a name and username for your bot as instructed. The bot will then provide you with a token.


Telegram Chat ID

Next, we need to find out our chat ID. You can do this using another bot called @get_id_bot. Search for it in Telegram, then select /my_id in the menu. The bot will provide your chat ID and user ID. Save your chat ID for later use.

Creating a Notification Channel

Now, go to the “Settings” page in the service and open the “Notification Settings” tab. Here, enter the bot name (e.g., “profit”) and paste your chat ID and token. Click “Add New Bot”. That’s it! The notification channel is now created. You will be able to select it when configuring your trading bot. Similarly, you can add additional channels or receive all messages in a single channel.

Канали сповіщень

Selecting Notification Channels in the Bot

When configuring a strategy, you will see a form allowing you to set up notification channels. Here, you can choose which notifications should be sent to which channel.

Notification Channels

If you do not want to receive certain messages, simply leave the field empty. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask in the chat.

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